
Vladimir Putin spoke about plans to improve the system of medical care for children with cancer

The President recalled the history of the creation of the center. Dmitry Rogachev. The center opened 10 years ago. Putin admitted that this is also a personal story for him, because the meeting "with a surprisingly bright boy Dima Rogachev – cheerful, despite his terrible illness, determined the immediate decision to create a clinic for children with cancer."

According to Putin, the authorities will continue to improve the system of medical care for children with cancer and blood diseases, introduce innovative approaches in diagnosis and treatment. The Head of State noted that over the past four years in Russia as a whole, the volume of high – tech assistance to children in the oncology profile has increased by more than 30%, including an increase in the number of operations such as bone marrow transplantation-667 were performed last year alone.

"Of course, we will continue to improve the system of medical care in this area, introduce innovative approaches in diagnosis and treatment," he assured.

In addition, the president noted that next year the Dmitry Rogachev Center plans to put into operation the newest nuclear medicine building, and by 2024 to open children's oncology and hematology centers in a number of Russian cities – in Voronezh, Kazan, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar.

"The preservation of the life and health of our children, and therefore the future of our state, directly depends on this. Another important task is to put at the service of people real, truly revolutionary discoveries in medicine that are being made today both in Russia and abroad, to increase their use in the treatment of pediatric oncology, blood diseases, and the immune system," Putin said.

The largest center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology in Europe was established in 2005-2011 on the basis of the Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology of the Ministry of Health. Vladimir Putin proposed that the new children's medical center be named after Dima Rogachev, a boy with leukemia who invited the president to pancakes in 2005. After the meeting, the head of state decided to create a specialized children's cancer center in Moscow. Dima did not live to see the opening of the Center, he died in 2007.
(Source: Business newspaper Vzglyad)
2021-06-28 16:07